Get To Know The Owners

After decades of service to Jehovah and his organization, Robert and Beatriz Amadiz are so happy to be able to open their beloved home to other brothers and sisters. As occasional commuters to Bethel, they know the importance of comfortable accommodations within a reasonable distance. Robert and Beatriz aim to provide the very best accommodations for their treasured spiritual family, and would like to share a little about themselves with their future guests.

Get To Know Beatriz

I grew up in the truth and began regular pioneering during my last year in high school. To this day, I can say that it was the best decision I have ever made. I then went on to enjoy the privilege of helping to build Kingdom Halls all over New York City, NY with the Regional Building Committee.

After I met my dear future husband, Robert, and we were married, I continued pioneering until our family grew. When our two children came along we were overjoyed, and I took time to concentrate on my young ones. After they had grown older, I resumed my career in the ministry in 2016. I’ve been blessed with several privileges since, including being able to help in the Montgomery warehouse during Warwick’s construction, along with weekly cleanings of the Warwick museum to prepare it for visitors.

Get To Know Robert

I was raised in Brooklyn, NY, and also lived in the Dominican Republic during part of my youth. After finding a wonderful marriage mate and raising a family, I reached my long-time goal of pioneering in 2009. I also currently serve as an elder in our local congregation, but I’ve always wanted to do more for Jehovah. In 2017 I got that opportunity and jumped at the chance to become self-employed. It hasn’t always been easy, but that major change allowed me to dedicate time to volunteering at the Fishkill complex, both at the front desk and in the security department.

Beatriz and I have been privileged over the years to assist the organization in many ways, and we’ve always enjoyed these experiences. In 2014 we helped out at that year’s historic international convention, in both the English and Spanish language Hospitality Departments. We were also able to host a sister from Peru, and we really enjoyed having her stay with us. Our Peruvian friends returned the favor a few years ago, when we were able to visit their country and stay at a brother’s rental property. We felt so at home there and it inspired us to create that same atmosphere here, at Commuters Nest.

Over 23 years of marriage, Robert and Beatriz have built priceless memories together, from happy years spent in the pioneer work to the joy of raising their two precious children, Kaylee and Jaziel. Adults now, both son and daughter have followed their parents’ example and serve as pioneers.

The Amadiz family is so happy to open their fully-remodeled rental house to brothers and sisters who need accommodations as they work hard on behalf of the organization. Their favorite room is the living room, which also acts as a sunroom. It’s a relaxing space, painted in a color that brings the tranquility of nature indoors. And because the Commuters Nest is close to town, it will allow residents to enjoy nearby restaurants and outdoor activities, like apple picking and exploring local walking trails.

Robert and Beatriz have put their hearts into the work, and have taken much thought and care in the updates and modifications they’ve made. Their aim is to provide a beautiful, serene setting to facilitate rest and recuperation after a hard day of working at the construction site.

“We very much look forward to meeting you and hosting you here, at Commuters Nest. It will truly be your home away from home.” ~ Robert and Beatriz