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  • Robert and Beatriz have a separate primary residence, but they do reserve use of a small part of the Commuters Nest property for themselves and their visitors. This area of the home is not accessible by renters, and it may or may not be occupied during any given rental period.

  • Yes. Children are most definitely welcome to stay at Commuters Nest. Specific items for children will be available upon request.

  • Yes, with some limitations. Married couples and their family members can rent Commuters Nest together, keeping in mind that the home sleeps four. Groups of brothers can rent together, as can groups of sisters, but we aren’t able to accommodate other combinations of friends.

  • No. All maintenance on the Commuters Nest property and premises will be done by the owners, Robert and Beatriz.

  • All inquiries or notifications–whether of an urgent nature or not–can be directed to the owners’ designated email address: info@commutersnest.com

  • There is no maximum length of stay, as long as there is availability.

  • Our area of New York is prone to extreme variations in weather from one season to the next. Expect to encounter rain and cooler temperatures in the spring, when layers and rain gear are vital. Summers tend to be hot and humid, with several heat waves each year that can last for 3 to 5 days each. Fall is a lovely time here, with cooling temperatures and plenty of autumnal color to enjoy. Wintertime can be difficult, bringing heavy snowfall that makes for hard driving conditions and below freezing temperatures that can last for about three months. Regardless of the time of year, heavy rainfall is possible. In general, we’d suggest planning to bring or purchase adequate clothing, footwear, outerwear, and other accessories that will stand up to the varied weather conditions and keep you safe and comfortable both at the building site and during downtime.

    Click here for up-to-the-minute local weather data.